Dr. Konrad really gets to have fun with you this week!

After mastering that last 4 modules, we want to challenge the strength and functionality you have developed by going into some crawling patterns.

Crawling is FANTASTIC to continue developing strength and stability into your shoulders and hips. Crawling is also a great way to prevent joint degeneration, but more importantly by practicing crawling we give the nervous system a great ability to protect your spine and truly tap into the beautiful movement that the human body is capable of. 

Try all of the crawling movement strategies Dr. Konrad. If you enjoyed training through some of these movement - please email Dr. Konrad at doctors@fulloflifeholistics.com or comment below to inquire about developing a more functional exercise program for you using the environment you have at home. 

Dr. Konrad also loves helping his patients and clients develop a "home gym" strategy where they can use dumbbells, kettle bells, weight bench, pull up bars, etc. to further bullet proof their bodies functionally and actually develop more muscle density to prevent injury and invest in enjoying a healthier LIFESPAN (healthspan). 

Lastly, if you have experienced some difficulty in having the range of movement to challenge yourself in these crawling movements - you may be interested in Dr. Konrad's Correcting Posture Mini Series: 3 Simple and Effective Strategies for Improving Posture Or Dr. Konrad's Mobilization Mini Series - BOTH FREE on www.fulloflifeholistics.com

Do not forget to follow Dr. Konrad on Instagram @full_of_life_holistics where he has other stored videos that involve improving your mobility and strength. Two videos of interest might be learning how to improve ankle mobility for in order to perform a deep squat or his developing a handstand series.

In the following video get ready to travel around the mat with Dr. Konrad in his Strong Dad - Fun Dad FLOW circuit. 

We hope you have enjoyed challenging yourself today!