Family Foundations Webinar

Improving The Well-Being of Your Family! 

Thank you for choosing this webinar to improve the well-being of your family. We encourage you to FIRST print the PDF found below but wait to fill it out until you've started the webinar. This webinar was designed with couples in mind; HOWEVER, if you're listening to it solo- THAT'S OKAY, hopefully you can share some of the info with your loved one at a later time. 

We wish you and your family the best!

Dr. Konrad and Dr. Madison

Key Concepts from This Webinar 

  1. Deciding and Committing to Family Values/Morals Together as a Couple Builds a Solid Foundation for the Family

  2. Use the Worksheet to Help Guild You and Your Partner to Build YOUR Values 

  3. Dive into Appropriate Communication Habits and Tools

  4. Learn What 'Fire Pits' vs 'Putting Out Fires' Means and the Importance of These

  5. Have F.U.N. 

Important Reminders 

  • It takes time to break old habits, be kind to yourself and your partner 

  • Listen to this webinar as many times as you'd like- it's yours now! Use it!

  • This webinar was created for partners starting a family or partners wanting to strengthen their family foundation

  • Individuals who have a family or want a family can find benefit from this information as well; values are important to a family no matter what the family dynamics 

  • If you have older kids, you might want to consider involving them in creating your core values- the more involved they feel, the more likely they will "stick" to "the code".

Download the Foundation of the Family Handout Here